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This Weeks Agenda - Monday 3rd September 2012

Rob-Lee77 (DRT)
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This Weeks Agenda - Monday 3rd September 2012 Empty This Weeks Agenda - Monday 3rd September 2012

Post by Guest Fri Aug 31, 2012 10:05 am

FiA Meeting
Pro Leagues

On this Weeks Agenda...

1 - Appeals From Pro League 1, 2 & 3 & Americas League
2 - Pro League 1 - Wheels Only?
3 - Should the FiA still review an Appeal even if a Driver has withdrawn it and dealt with it outside the Appeal Room
4 - F1 2012 Seasonal Performance - How to make it fair on all Drivers
5 - Sponsorship
6 - Donations
7 - Anything else

Feel free to post any additional discussion points you want to talk about. See you all at 10pm tonight...

Pro League Manager

Last edited by PRO League Manager on Mon Sep 03, 2012 10:41 pm; edited 1 time in total


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This Weeks Agenda - Monday 3rd September 2012 Empty Re: This Weeks Agenda - Monday 3rd September 2012

Post by Rob-Lee77 (DRT) Fri Aug 31, 2012 10:13 am

I would like to bring up the subject of equal cars. For the leagues that use 2011 cars I believe the time difference is greater between the fastest and the slowest. On equal the car difference is decreased.

I don't want to bust my balls trying to get better maybe even get to a stage where I'm really fast, for some one to then turn around and say glad you've improved mate but now I'm gonna punnish you for it and put you in a slow car. I understand you wanna give other guys who are not as fast a chance but is it up to those guys to practice and improve. For instance I'm sure its no fluke that ud-war and cookster are quick they practice a lot have some natural talent for the game and should reap the rewards of this. Anyway guys, just something I think you should spend some time chatting about with the new game only weeks away..
Rob-Lee77 (DRT)
Rob-Lee77 (DRT)

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This Weeks Agenda - Monday 3rd September 2012 Empty Equal/2011/2012 debate

Post by Reddweasel Sat Sep 01, 2012 12:39 am

I'm personally surprised this debate still goes on; surely the 2011/2012 setups should remain?

If leagues are changed to equal you will quickly find the fastest 2/3 drivers of each league qualify on pole/front row and disappear alah Vettell/Schumacher into the distance week in week out. By about halfway through the season I can guarantee you will see the number of attendees to each weekly race 'drop off' until you are left with said 2/3 drivers for the last races of the season as there is no attempt to even out the field/competition: This does not make for exciting/entertaining racing and could seriously risk the future of this website and its leagues. If you recall, any dominance of any sport by one individual or team; in particlaur with regard to F1 is not a positive situation. Take Schumachers dominance with Ferrari (10 years or so ago) thousands of viewers (including myself) turned off from watching the boring 'procession' that it became.

For those faster drivers surely a victory or passing move over a far superior car with a competent driver/competitor is all the more sweeter is it not?
Yes practice makes perfect but there are many of us that have job's, families, dependents and repsonsibilites so even managing to parctice once a day is not possible.

Over the months I've been on this website there does appear (To me anyway) to be two general mindsets among it's members; Those wanting competative, close, wheel to wheel racing and those who believe its all about winning; at any cost.

If there is a significat 'urge' to run equal then maybe this website could dedicate a Pro League and an Assist League Equal mode/section similar to the 'League of Americas' 'offshoot' (No disrepect meant here!) with their own promotion/demotion for those wishing to race in that mode and leave the rest of the site to those wishing to run 2011/2012. Just a thought.


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This Weeks Agenda - Monday 3rd September 2012 Empty Re: This Weeks Agenda - Monday 3rd September 2012

Post by BradChick Sat Sep 01, 2012 3:22 am

i would much prefer equal mode, on the 2011 game! however, with 2012 coming soon the cars should be a lot closer anyway. so id prefer 2012 mode. the racing is much better. yes it can be anoying when you know you should be winning or in the top one or two. but the car will not allow it!

this just needs to be sorted so that the fast drivers still have the chance to be up there. like it virtually is now.

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This Weeks Agenda - Monday 3rd September 2012 Empty Re: This Weeks Agenda - Monday 3rd September 2012

Post by Guest Sat Sep 01, 2012 3:38 am

Don't get me wrong, I enjoy 2011 in the fact that it is much closer and the wheel to wheel action is much better.

The only problem I have is that I am really not enjoying the game anymore, this season has kind of sapped the energy and enjoyment out of the game for me purely because I feel that I have to practice most of the week to make sure my car is stable and competitive for the race. I don't want to do that. All I want to do is practice 1-2 times a week and feel as competitive for the Sunday League Race. Yes, the faster drivers are getting punished, we all know that. I wouldn't have a problem with that as long as the punishment wasn't so much that I'm in a crappy car that I hate driving. But sometimes we are getting punished that much that it is not enjoying anymore. I haven't really enjoyed this season because of my car. and I'm sure I could speak for some other Drivers.

I'm sure when it comes round to next season when I ask for a better car so it enables me to practice less everyone will turn around and say no. I just want a car that I am HAPPY with and one that I only need to practice a little bit in the week and then have the rest of the week to enjoy the game in other cars.

This Community & League is about FUN right? Yes, there have been parts of this season that have been fun, I have enjoyed the challenge of getting the car so high. But it has taken its tole and there is no FUN for me now at all.

But on the other hand,

I agree that EQUAL is kind of unfair because in Pro 1 we would have the likes of DarkPSI84 & myself running away into the distance not to be seen again.

I think the perfect situation would be where we have it on 2011/12 performance. BUT, making it so the faster Drivers do have a bit more of a car advantage than this year in the case of Pro League 1. So they are still there at the top but obviously making it harder for them to get there.


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This Weeks Agenda - Monday 3rd September 2012 Empty Re: This Weeks Agenda - Monday 3rd September 2012

Post by Admin Sat Sep 01, 2012 8:25 am

HI Guys.

Ref; Make believe Equal or REAL LIFE PERFORMANCE.

As you can see from the Ref, its clear where Admin stands on this.

I'm not going to go mad or daft if you all over ruled me and wanted Equal, ok so that being said.....

Please guys I only have to refer you to the Drivers Tables in the Leagues themselves to see it is very close,
I will repeat myself lol Some one tell me anyone in the whole Community and leagues who hasnt had Wheel to Wheel racing with someone on there race day?
On Equal this wouldnt happen, you wil end up not being able to catch the man infront and the man behind wouldnt catch you either, see after 2-5 laps of the race its clear who is the fastest and then you will trust me get bored of it, as you get blue flagged week in week out. Some leagues that run Equal mode (even tho it will NEVER EVER be TRULY equal) you quickly see clearly the fast drivers finish up top everyweek and the slower drivers finish down bottom there everyweek, its predictable and boring.
This Communty has the Lowest Leaving rate EVER in any leagues out there.. Iv not checked it out but i feel very confident in saying that. Other leagues players come n go join another league only to find its the same shit, the MOD has his mates and so and so left last week we have Another new driver etc, etc, Take a look at the Turnover of Drivers here in F1PS3League and its Awsome stats, We have to Kick our players i can think of 3 that have left out of 150 in 12 months.
The only reason for this is the Structure and 2011 Performance mode, This Inspires a lot of ppl out there who join us, and it also Makes us have balls within the Online communities as no others do it, not because they think its daft no no they want all there drivers to stay like we do, but they fail to see the formula of placing the correct drivers in the correct cars. ( yeh its easy with cooky and dizzy but what about everyone else in the league, also look at Pro 2 Bk done a great job in using the formula for his league )

REMEMBER GUYS.. Its not about the WINNING, you could all go and WIN in open rooms everynight, thats not what your joined up for, you joined up to race WHEEL TO WHEEL in the fairest way possible. as being in open lobbys you would have ppl like cooky rinsing the lot of ya, and ppl like wootton getting bored and ramming you off. Dont forget what the site allows you to experience when yr sitting there on the Grid Heart Pounding looking at the lights, knowing the car in front is Slower than yours or knowing your a faster driver than the guy infront. ;-)

I set this community up for you guys to use. Your all still ere ;-)

SO CHANGE NOTHING is my advice. but it is YOUR Community Drivers so if I'm overruled then so be it.



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Join date : 2011-07-31


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This Weeks Agenda - Monday 3rd September 2012 Empty Re: This Weeks Agenda - Monday 3rd September 2012

Post by Guest Sat Sep 01, 2012 9:34 am

ITS FAIR LOLEqualEqualEqualEqualEqualEqualEqualEqualEqualEqualEqualEqualEqualEqualEqualEqualEqualEqualEqualEqualEqualEqualEqualEqualEqualEqualEqualEqualEqualEqualEqualEqualEqualEqualEqualEqualEqualEqualEqualEqualEqualEqualEqualEqualEqualEqualEqualEqualEqualEqualEqualEqualEqualEqualEqualEqualEqualEqualEqualEqualEqualEqualEqualEqualEqualEqualEqualEqualEqualEqualEqualEqualEqualEqualEqualEqualEqualEqualEqualEqualEqualEqualEqualEqualEqualEqualEqualEqualEqualEqualEqualEqualEqualEqualEqualEqualEqualEqualEqualEqualEqualEqualEqualEqualEqualEqualEqualEqualEqualEququalEqualEqualEqualEqualEqualEqualEqualEqualEqualEqualEqualEqualEqualEqualEqualEqualEqualEqualEqualEqualEqualEqualEqualEqualEqualEqualEqualEqualEqualEqualEqualEqualEqualEqualEqualEqualEqualEqualEqualEqualEqual


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This Weeks Agenda - Monday 3rd September 2012 Empty Re: This Weeks Agenda - Monday 3rd September 2012

Post by X_Adam-_-1993_X Sat Sep 01, 2012 8:57 pm

IM WITH TT ON THIS EQUAL BUSINESS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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This Weeks Agenda - Monday 3rd September 2012 Empty Re: This Weeks Agenda - Monday 3rd September 2012

Post by Guest Sat Sep 01, 2012 9:04 pm

Don't get me wrong, I don't want EQUAL. I just want to organise it so the faster Drivers are still a little bit faster, or at least will be there at the top most races.


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This Weeks Agenda - Monday 3rd September 2012 Empty Re: This Weeks Agenda - Monday 3rd September 2012

Post by Guest Sat Sep 01, 2012 9:27 pm

It's not Equal tho is it !!!!! Lolol


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This Weeks Agenda - Monday 3rd September 2012 Empty lol

Post by BK_1975 (F1 Mod) Sat Sep 01, 2012 9:31 pm

That is the fact , better to know where you stand + the set-ups on 2011/2012 are arcade 11 11 Rolling Eyes
BK_1975 (F1 Mod)
BK_1975 (F1 Mod)

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This Weeks Agenda - Monday 3rd September 2012 Empty Re: This Weeks Agenda - Monday 3rd September 2012

Post by BradChick Sat Sep 01, 2012 10:36 pm

i agree linden. 2011 is much better, and will never get boring. but cookster has a point. its not so much in our league, (pro 2). but sounds it in pro 1. the cars need to be worked out so that the slower drivers arnt given a huge advantage. and the fast drivers are competing with eachother, instead of someone who is slightly slower. there shouldnt be a huge difference.


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This Weeks Agenda - Monday 3rd September 2012 Empty Re: This Weeks Agenda - Monday 3rd September 2012

Post by Guest Sun Sep 02, 2012 4:25 am

Hi guys,

a think in the new game we won't have the problem.
We just need to sort out virgin, hrt, caterham, toro rosso.
Then we can go 2012 performance mode.
Cars will be pretty equal (different tyre wear etc), but in general pretty equal.
When I see the current onboards without driving aids of the new game, I'm pretty sure that cookster and me will kick your ass by miles. LOL


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This Weeks Agenda - Monday 3rd September 2012 Empty Equal/2012

Post by Reddweasel Sun Sep 02, 2012 10:08 pm

Chaps I did hint at an idea suggestion in my statement above: FIA could consider splitting the website/leagues into 2 sections; Equal leagues and 2012 league for next season. Each section could have its own Pro and assist leagues with their own promotion and relegation structures. I think this is a way of possibly keeping everyone happy. Just an idea.

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This Weeks Agenda - Monday 3rd September 2012 Empty Re: This Weeks Agenda - Monday 3rd September 2012

Post by Guest Mon Sep 03, 2012 10:41 pm

This will be spoken about in the meeting tonight.


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This Weeks Agenda - Monday 3rd September 2012 Empty Re: This Weeks Agenda - Monday 3rd September 2012

Post by Guest Tue Sep 04, 2012 3:39 am

I would like to file a motion to have stewarding added to the agenda.


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This Weeks Agenda - Monday 3rd September 2012 Empty Re: This Weeks Agenda - Monday 3rd September 2012

Post by Guest Tue Sep 04, 2012 3:43 am

What is the problem with the Stewarding sMalaske?


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