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Australian Grand Prix

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Australian Grand Prix  Empty Australian Grand Prix

Post by Guest Sat May 05, 2012 4:55 am

After extended discussions we have had to reconsider our race day for League 1 assists. We are HOPING TO RACE TONIGHT if the numbers are good. I understand this inconvenience caused even if it's no fault of my own. However, if the numbers arent good then we will race on Monday which is a bank holiday. Again I apologise for the messing around but we were set to race on Sunday but to find that another league is racing at the same time on a Sunday. The lack of communication you are receiving is similar to what I have received. Changing race days doesn't please me either and neither doing so to please one driver. Hopefully lessons are learnt. If we can't race tonight then a final practise session will take place.


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Australian Grand Prix  Empty Re: Australian Grand Prix

Post by Guest Sat May 05, 2012 6:09 am

The race is now scheduled for Bank Holiday Monday for Australia. If you cannot attend then you should find a replacement to support your team mate. After that every race will be FRIDAY. If you cannot commit to these days then contact me or sign up for a reserve seat and find your replacement. I have to be firm here to stop all this being repeated again. Cheers


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Australian Grand Prix  Empty Re: Australian Grand Prix

Post by Guest Sat May 05, 2012 9:54 pm

JESUS CHRIST FIA MAKE YOUR MINE UP WILL YA AND FIA YOU HAVE DELETED ME ON PSN SO I WILL NOT GET ANY MESSAGES I THINK THE BIG BOSS SHOULD STEP IN TO SORT THIS OUT Bank Holiday Monday LOL ps cant do fridays i run my own league on that day, u have changed the day 8 times now, i think TT should step in nd take over lolol


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Australian Grand Prix  Empty Re: Australian Grand Prix

Post by Guest Sat May 05, 2012 11:49 pm

FIA is an organisation that decides penalties and stages discussion. FIA cannot delete you! If you are a member of the league then you are asked to send a psn request to your mod something i havent received yet from you. So dont know what to make of that. As for race days we havent altered it 8 times. All this bother wouldn't have kicked off if I was told that our original slot has been stolen by another league. We are racing this Monday because its a Bank Holiday and therefore easier for people - Shorter hours/ no work etc. We need to start this season asap in order in time for F1 2012. We could always start in June if necessary but it would take til October to complete. Also, the FIA havent made this decision and it was MODERATORS decision. TT shouldn't step in because everything has been decided. ADMIN or the FIA should have alerted me that there was a clash it was only when i was flicking through the site that i saw the problem. Getting seats together and arranging seats for people who arent committed is what makes this hard. Fact is i know my F1 and i also know what Rob and me have decided. Anyone questioning either needs to look at themselves maybe? In relation to your seat Tardis, you can find a replacement or race in this league on fridays. I need to be alerted as soon as possible as its unfair to leave MoodyMufc2011 without a team mate.


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Australian Grand Prix  Empty Re: Australian Grand Prix

Post by Guest Sun May 06, 2012 2:43 am

as 4 MoodyMufc2011 and me im in all the way c you on the track m8eeeeeeee


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Australian Grand Prix  Empty Re: Australian Grand Prix

Post by Admin Sun May 06, 2012 4:31 am

Admin is very Puzzled......

With relation to the Lack of Communication, we have an FiA every monday night at 10pm,
For FiA reps that can not attend due to commitments Admin writes the MINUTES of the meeting.

In there you will clearly see Admin has Asked all MODS/Leagues when they Plan to run.

There is no specific league SLOT, there is nothing stopping the Assist League 1 to run on Sundays or Wednesday as it used to be or Any Night it feels fit and comfortable with.

FiA can Delete Players if they decide to do so.(FiA has not ruled to delete TT)

If the all league Racers inc MODS looked at the Driver Lineup in your league, as Admin asked Cookster to sort as no one else seemed to be doing it, you can clearly see all drivers signed up to allocated teams.
If this has Changed then i suggest you Post a new one and Inform us all who is where.

Where is ROBLEE77?? He has'nt posted a thing in THIS league at all? he has been in several FiA meetings and Knows what is happening on the site, as a Moderator of the league it is your JOB to inform players of changes made or Discussions had.

Have you changed the Dates several times just so "lindenwarden" can film the race?
surely a Call out/advert to us all to Alert us you have no Cameraman to film should have been raised within the community so we can re-arrange or re-nominate a cameraman. Admin asked all Leagues by 22nd april to have a driver line up and race dates and times for us all to see, this league failed to do so in time. ;(

I don't understand HOW 1 MOD can willy nilly go and change race dates without Consultation within its own league of there own drivers feel about it, so far it seems this is the case.

I am Asking BOTH Moderators to SORT IT BY TONIGHT 5th May !!!!!
Or ADMIN will remove the MODS and Re-Appoint one to this League.
NO threats but a Promise. Admin is not impressed by the way this League is being managed.



Posts : 623
Join date : 2011-07-31


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Australian Grand Prix  Empty Re: Australian Grand Prix

Post by Guest Sun May 06, 2012 5:31 am

Ok firstly, i understand this wasnt a rule. But surely a message from someone or a notice to say 'we're racing sundays now'. Secondly, Ive already notified YOU that fact Monday is a poor day for me as is most week nights apart from friday. There is no point what so ever in running two races at the same time. Sunday was the original day when league 1 raced and everyone knew about it. We scheduled to Saturday but a few people who didnt turn up for practise couldnt make it - again MESSY and it had to be sorted. Admin should bare in mind that this is on the Wednesday - 2 days from the potiential race! I wasnt up to changing the times 'willy nilly' either and consulting a friend and an FIA member resulted in him saying i should keep it the same. I could have gone down that route of being awkward but i tried to please everyone by making sure we could race. As stated above, Tardis can not make it because of his own league - well im sorry but thats not a good enough excuse. Also, whilst ThaCookster did help, he also did the driver line-up when we were not finished in recruiting new racers. I can't edit his posts! Whilst its my job to INFORM players, its their job to add me as a friend which is clearly stated and which he did not. Also, Admin, if you are confused and are struggling to understand a situation then you cant threaten to remove me as mod. I'd rather have this bother now instead of half way through because it needs to be done by the 2012 game. Plus, its not like we're removing drivers after just 58 laps of racing after theyve passed the induction course. Thats where a problem lies. Much appreciated!


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Australian Grand Prix  Empty Re: Australian Grand Prix

Post by Guest Sun May 06, 2012 5:54 am

(wot you said) (Ive already notified YOU that fact Monday is a poor day for me as is most week nights apart from friday.)

(wot you said) (As stated above, Tardis can not make it because of his own league - well im sorry but thats not a good enough excuse.)

(me) and i have already notifien you that i can not do friday nights but i will now ok



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Australian Grand Prix  Empty Re: Australian Grand Prix

Post by Guest Sun May 06, 2012 6:01 am

Because Friday is a day that up to now only you can't make. I am not willing to change it again and just for one driver. The difference is Monday is FIA meeting and bank holiday is when im off school. We are only doing this Monday because a) we need to start and b) it's not a working day.


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Australian Grand Prix  Empty Re: Australian Grand Prix

Post by Guest Sun May 06, 2012 6:04 am

lol you do make me laugh did you get wot i just said to you ?


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Australian Grand Prix  Empty Re: Australian Grand Prix

Post by Guest Sun May 06, 2012 6:12 am

Intention wasn't to make it funny and making yourself look like an idiot then fine. Questioning me will only get you removed. It is what it is and you should chose what site you race on. The end.


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Australian Grand Prix  Empty Re: Australian Grand Prix

Post by Guest Sun May 06, 2012 6:22 am

so you did not get wot i just said to you than john (IT WILL BE OK 4 THE-TARDIS- TO RACE ON A FRIDAY NIGHT JOHNNY) lol Very Happy 2times i have said that lol who the
END OF lol


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Australian Grand Prix  Empty Re: Australian Grand Prix

Post by Admin Sun May 06, 2012 6:43 am

The Moderators are to Decide within there League what Night is Best for the league, Not to Wait to be Told its a sunday, if your league wants to run sunday night then race sunday night, cant see the issue at all there.

There is no point to run to two races at the same time you say but i don't understand that at all, of course two separate leagues can run at the same time, this is why we only allow you to sign up to one league, so if the leagues decide to run at the same time it will not affect anyone's league, well it should'nt do.

Sunday is the day your league expects to race every one was happy so why change it? keep it sunday.

you say you consulted a friend and FiA rep, was this RobLee? if not Why not? and who was it?

you say its there job to add you as a friend, Im pretty sure its YOUR job as Manager/MOD to ADD them on PSN other wise how do you invite them all in to a room?

I have removed the Helpfull post of driverslist so you can put a new one up and tell us who is who.

Tardis can race fridays he has stated that (above) if you choose to run on fridays, can all the other League racers do fridays?

I did'nt Threaten you i Promised you....if ADMIN has no confidence in the Moderators they will be replaced.
Admin has to look out for 14 drivers, if admin feels the 14 drivers will possibly loose out due to Lack of organization then he will re Organize it so they don't loose out. Just because the MOD cant do a certain night but 13 ppl can do that night then the MOD will be asked to move first not the 13.

Is there a Problem i didnt know about? who has been removed after 58laps and passing induction?

Also Questioning Authority will NEVER get you removed, you should always Question authority Moderators are NOT GOD!

I expect from the MODS before the end of the night
1 - A drivers List
2 - A Team List
3 - Dates and Times of your Race
I have asked You guys in FiA meetings and on site 3 weeks ago to sort this out, if you cant sort it then you are not the Mods the League needs.


Posts : 623
Join date : 2011-07-31


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Australian Grand Prix  Empty Re: Australian Grand Prix

Post by Guest Sun May 06, 2012 7:22 am

No Linden. Questioning authority is what tipped moderators over the edge last season. Communication with RobLee hasnt been a problem and he clearly understood the situation. It makes no sense at all having races clashing when there is absolutely no need in it. Bk should really have told me that he was moving his time slot. I was never made aware of this until i saw a post on the site from him. This made it difficult because we wanted you to film it and we already had an in race steward virtually sorted. I don't no why you're making promises when we havent even started racing. Everything has been sorted and the driver lists are almost done. I would have had at least one new driver this week but RDS didnt stick to the induction schedule. Something which was pointed out. There are no problems with this league what so ever! The race time clashes is something which was out of my hands and really wouldn't have been a problem if i had been notified prior to it. You're 3 points that you want have already been cnfirmed. Everything is crystal clear it just requires people to read the notices i put up.


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Australian Grand Prix  Empty Re: Australian Grand Prix

Post by Admin Sun May 06, 2012 7:46 am

SO just to Confirm then..

your Driver list is?
your team list is?
your Dates are?

I have just been informed that ROBLEE lost access to the site so i understand now why rob has posted nothing,

RDS couldnt do an induction one night but im pretty sure Rob did it instead so you shouldnt have lost a driver there. or is this another driver we are on about?

Moderators can be questioned if racers feel they are being treated unfairly or the decision made by the mods dont suit them its good manners to give a reason for the change.

"lindenwarden" races in the Pro League2 which is 9pm sunday night for 2hrs Any other time or day and "lindenwarden" hasnt a problem filming but there are other guys that could do it if this has been the problem all along, i would have asked Ipswich or Crank or Semi Assist league to do it. But as no Date or time or even driver line up etc has appeared its hard to get someone to do it if I cant tell them when.

Who was the Steward? has he been Passed off to be a LIVE steward or is he just a Spectator.
Can the Steward Film it?

Im so glad you and Rob have it sorted thats good news, best news so far.

Just inform us all on the site.


Posts : 623
Join date : 2011-07-31


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Australian Grand Prix  Empty Re: Australian Grand Prix

Post by Guest Sun May 06, 2012 8:10 am

Doesn't need confirmation. Everything has been updated it just requires to check. We have a potential driver for the remaining lotus seat and we still have STR seat to fill. All updates are on the relevant areas. I don't need to give a reason to race. If people are committed then they should think twice about being here or sign up for reserve seats. Induction is 9-10 and RDS failed to test two drivers. It was his wrong doing! As for bk, it's nothing personal, just would have liked better communication. End of discussion. No hatred required.


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Australian Grand Prix  Empty Re: Australian Grand Prix

Post by Guest Sun May 06, 2012 8:22 am

(I don't need to give a reason to race. If people are committed then they should think twice about being here or sign up for reserve seats.)

If ppl no the day it helps


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Australian Grand Prix  Empty Re: Australian Grand Prix

Post by Guest Sun May 06, 2012 8:28 am

They do. You do. End of.


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Australian Grand Prix  Empty Re: Australian Grand Prix

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