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Rumors Speculate over Transfer Window

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Rumors Speculate over Transfer Window Empty Rumors Speculate over Transfer Window

Post by Admin Sat Mar 10, 2012 3:26 pm

Rumors Speculate about the Transfer Window Being OPEN,

I would like to correct "theCookster" on thinking the "transfer window" was open.

After the FiA meeting held, we all agreed the 7 Teams to use via a Pole of what car first choice to remove.
But what we all failed to remember, including me, was that the "Sauber" was banned very early on in this league for being way to fast. SO IT IS NOT ALLOWED BACK IN TO THE LEAGUE.

ADMIN Apologizes for any inconvenience this has caused, the FiA will sort this on Monday.

To Help all Moderators who have given the sauber to drivers already, I suggest the force india to be brought back into the League until the next FiA meeting where we will discuss the Seventh team.

SO as it stands the

these are the 6 teams that are in the league's for sure. !

Optional replacement for Sauber will be Force India for Sundays race.

It would be good in the leagues who have already swapped there Force India drivers to Sauber to maybe allow the drivers to run the sauber and maybe give the FiA some feedback with it, was it better for you than your normal force india? or was it no different?


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Rumors Speculate over Transfer Window Empty Re: Rumors Speculate over Transfer Window

Post by Guest Sat Mar 10, 2012 7:10 pm

What about the Williams?! That's just as fast!!!


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Rumors Speculate over Transfer Window Empty Re: Rumors Speculate over Transfer Window

Post by Guest Sat Mar 10, 2012 11:11 pm

Being in the Force India, i'm obviously going to be biased when i say that its not as fast as people make out. I'd rather have Force India on equal than 2011 thats for sure but in league 1 assists, im not winning races by 30+ seconds. The racing has been very close so i dont see why these cars are being removed. It all depends on setup. Mick won British Grand Prix and Valencia both by 20+ seconds and that isn't because Mclaren is good, it is, its down to good setups which i didn't have at the early stages.
I know its been discussed a fair bit but what do you do if you put it on 2011. Do you put the best drivers in the best car? Would make it more one-sided if anything.


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Rumors Speculate over Transfer Window Empty Re: Rumors Speculate over Transfer Window

Post by Guest Sat Mar 10, 2012 11:13 pm

It not the fact that the Force India is slower/faster than others, Its the fact that the Sauber and the Williams are around 0.6 faster than the rest of the cars on average after my in depth testing yesterday.

So my first goal of getting the Sauber has been completed, It is now just getting the Williams out and putting the Lotus-Renault back in



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Rumors Speculate over Transfer Window Empty Re: Rumors Speculate over Transfer Window

Post by Guest Sat Mar 10, 2012 11:19 pm

The only problem is that people are already confirmed for Williams seat next season. But like I said, no one is running away with it in league 1. Anyone is capable of winning races despite the car they are in. Why fix something that isn't broken or damaged?


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Rumors Speculate over Transfer Window Empty Re: Rumors Speculate over Transfer Window

Post by Guest Sat Mar 10, 2012 11:23 pm

Are you talking about League 1 Assists or Simulation League 1? Because after a test last night we have a hunch that the cars have totally different handling and characteristics when you use assists compared to not using assists.

If this is the case, we were thinking of having different cars for the Simulation Leagues compared to the Assists Leagues.

Linden mentioned that most of the people who didn't want the Lotus-Renault in were from the Assists Leagues which could mean that it handles totally different to Banned Assists because there is nothing up with it when I tested it last night.


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Rumors Speculate over Transfer Window Empty Re: Rumors Speculate over Transfer Window

Post by Guest Sat Mar 10, 2012 11:48 pm

Yeah i was talking about the assists league. It might have a small difference but my point is that there aren't any one sides races so why change it? Makes little sense. You can drive a Ferrari and still win. It all depends on setup. Nothing else. Obviously, if your car is a second of the pace then that is different but you know what i mean.


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Rumors Speculate over Transfer Window Empty Re: Rumors Speculate over Transfer Window

Post by Guest Sun Mar 11, 2012 12:04 am

Yes, that's exactly what we want... Fair racing, but if you have a car in the League that is 0.6 seconds faster then it isn't exactly fair. No offence to the racers that are in the Williams, but they might not be as good as the people in the other cars so the 0.6 seconds difference will help them and get them up to the speed of everyone else. If you put them in one of the "Normal" cars then they might drop back 0.6 seconds, but that's just the consequence of making all cars and all races as fair as possible.

As much as we want wheel to wheel action, we want all of the cars to be on an equal playing field and to be as similar as possible, and having the Williams and the Sauber in the league is just not fair. Those two cars are on par with the HRT and you know how fast that is!


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Rumors Speculate over Transfer Window Empty hrt and williams

Post by Guest Sun Mar 11, 2012 12:33 am

Im sorry but i dont agree. Me an steff started off in hrt and swapped to williams later on because we origionally chose that car. I won the first race of the season by 30 seconds, brilliant, yeah it was but i havent won a race since. And to my knowledge steff has only won once, maybe twice, but im not to sure. If those two cars were head and shoulders better than the rest then we would of won a fair few more races between us and we definately would have scored a lot more points. Me an john dont see eye to eye on a lot things, but one thing i will totally agree with is that its down to setups. I dont care how much ' testing ' gets done. As for mclaren, at the moment no one can get near mick in our league, but i tell you now, when me an mick have raced in the past away from the league, an ive been in the mclaren i can quite easily stay with him. Me an mick have had some bloody good races, hence the reason that we added each other as friends origionally. Telling you now, if anyone tells me i cant use williams for the rest of this season then im not racing anymore. And thats not a cover up because i secretly believe im in the fastest car, because results speak for themselves. Also the only reason we changed from hrt to williams, was because offline it doesnt have kers, which was a pain in the arse when trying to practice offline. For gods sake, this will go on forever. Until codies put all cars truly equal, just get on with the racing.


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Rumors Speculate over Transfer Window Empty Re: Rumors Speculate over Transfer Window

Post by Guest Sun Mar 11, 2012 12:44 am

I agree that the setup does make a big difference, but I have tested the Williams quite a few tracks now and compared it to my Red Bull and a few others and every time it has been around 0.5 seconds faster. I used the same setup, same weather same everything. Surely if I used a set-up that was based around the Red Bull it should be faster in the Red Bull. All laps were as perfect as I could get them, taking all the same lines and breaking points. I found that the Williams was accelerating faster and you could take more speed round the corners.

The Williams is just a consistent 0.5 seconds there or there about's faster than most. If you think that's fair then that is your opinion but I can certainly say if I had hold of the Williams in the Pro League and was going ANOTHER half a second faster than I already am, I'm sure there would be some fuss kicked up by the people who are closest to me.


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Rumors Speculate over Transfer Window Empty Re: Rumors Speculate over Transfer Window

Post by F1xStevo_87 (GP3 Mod) Sun Mar 11, 2012 12:53 am

For a start your first win was won before the patch came out and as for Mick, he has improved a great deal since, lets say Instanbul & Catalunya. Mick has improved by at least a second a lap since then if your refering when you could race with him mate.
F1xStevo_87 (GP3 Mod)
F1xStevo_87 (GP3 Mod)

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Rumors Speculate over Transfer Window Empty must just be me

Post by Guest Sun Mar 11, 2012 1:03 am

Sorry i must just be getting very slow and arguementative in my old age. Also thick, cos ive put tabs on ferrari for next season.


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Rumors Speculate over Transfer Window Empty Re: Rumors Speculate over Transfer Window

Post by F1xStevo_87 (GP3 Mod) Sun Mar 11, 2012 1:14 am

F1xStevo_87 (GP3 Mod)
F1xStevo_87 (GP3 Mod)

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Rumors Speculate over Transfer Window Empty Re: Rumors Speculate over Transfer Window

Post by Guest Sun Mar 11, 2012 1:22 am

2 things linden.

1 i was under the understanding that the 7 cars wouldnt be brought in until season 2.

Im still allowing the current 7 teams i had before our meeting, force india et all..

also why not swap the sauber for the Caterham Lotus. Force india has been debated to be quicker.

No arguements about the Caterham Lotus.

So until 2012 comes out lets just swap the Sauber for Caterham Lotus (don't bring back FI as thats also illeged to be too quick) and get on with it - racing.

Cookster you seem to be the only one with an exertential problem with this all, the rest of us are fine.


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Rumors Speculate over Transfer Window Empty Re: Rumors Speculate over Transfer Window

Post by Guest Sun Mar 11, 2012 1:24 am

Not really, there is plenty of us that have found the exact same results and don't really agree with it! As I said before I sounds like the performance and characteristics between Assists and No Assists are very different because the people who voted the Lotus-Renault out were from the Assists Leagues but there is no problems with it when you race with No Assists


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Rumors Speculate over Transfer Window Empty Re: Rumors Speculate over Transfer Window

Post by Guest Sun Mar 11, 2012 1:27 am

As I said cookster you're the only one who PERSISTENTLY has a problem with it.

I did NOT say you were the ONLY one who thought it.

The Renault is a sack of shit, understeer isn't even the right word.


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Rumors Speculate over Transfer Window Empty Re: Rumors Speculate over Transfer Window

Post by Admin Sun Mar 11, 2012 2:10 am

get this....

Last night "lindenwarden" tested the Renault with ferrari and sauber and redbull. spa dry.
options no assists and i was quickest in the Renault ????

Others with me in the room doing same test were quicker in the others cars.


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Rumors Speculate over Transfer Window Empty lol

Post by Guest Sun Mar 11, 2012 3:04 am

It must be true, to delete the post lol. Whats wrong sam, cant you take a bit of banter?


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Rumors Speculate over Transfer Window Empty Re: Rumors Speculate over Transfer Window

Post by Guest Sun Mar 11, 2012 3:08 am

No I cant, cause I'm getting annoyed with the whole car performance and choice subject.

The only thing I am trying to do is get all cars on an equal playing field, which means not having a Williams & Sauber in that are a cut above the rest. No one seems to get this, they seem to think that I'm just in it to win the league whatever or knock out the competition by taking 2 fast cars out cause they may prevent me from winning. Obviously winning the league would be great and I love winning races but I'm more concerned about equality and fairness.


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Rumors Speculate over Transfer Window Empty Re: Rumors Speculate over Transfer Window

Post by Guest Sun Mar 11, 2012 3:54 am

Deleting the post was a bit silly imo, calm down


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Rumors Speculate over Transfer Window Empty well said

Post by Guest Sun Mar 11, 2012 4:01 am

Did you read the post? Not as if it was threatening or abusive or anything, just a bit of a joke lol obviously not serious enough!


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Rumors Speculate over Transfer Window Empty Re: Rumors Speculate over Transfer Window

Post by Guest Sun Mar 11, 2012 4:59 am

just put all the cars on 2011 and let people fight for contracts. End of the season the top drivers get promoted
and their seat becomes available anyway. A drive in any team is better than a drive with no team lol


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Rumors Speculate over Transfer Window Empty Re: Rumors Speculate over Transfer Window

Post by Guest Sun Mar 11, 2012 5:15 am

SPOT ON denby. Always agreed with this. Like real f1 operates. Motor racing is never truly equal. Even single make series


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Rumors Speculate over Transfer Window Empty Re: Rumors Speculate over Transfer Window

Post by Guest Sun Mar 11, 2012 5:53 am

Yeah i do agree with Denby. It should be like real F1. Fight for contracts and seats according to your positions but then people who aren't as competitive will be left in the bad cars being 1.5-2.0 second off the pace before they've even started. The Ferrari was very slow at Spa in league 1 assists and then a week later in Monza, Mansell was the quickest car out there and BestInTheWorld came 2nd so IT DOES COUNT ON SETUP!. Obviously, the races have been close and whether Force India is allegedly "6 tenths ahead" it becomes apparent that im not using it to my advantage ;P. Whether you think im reading too much into it, the performances of cars vary from track to track. It's impossible to blame it on people in those cars. If you want to point the finger then point it at Codemasters. Fact is, in real F1, the cars are never EQUAL. So you can't go crazy when Codemasters get it wrong. It all depends on which way the league is going. Is it going to be that competitive or is it a place where we are just going to race once a week for a bit of fun? Again this isn't anyones decisions but Admin/Linden. Cookster i dont understand what your investigation into this is for? You are in the Red Bull and winning most times so whats your complaint?


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Rumors Speculate over Transfer Window Empty Re: Rumors Speculate over Transfer Window

Post by Admin Sun Mar 11, 2012 5:56 am


After the Controversial Rumors and Speculation and "dictation" from the Pro League.
Admin Has chosen the '7 Teams through out the League' idea to me scrapped. !!

Admin has just made it '8 teams through out the league' instead ;-)

This will then please both SIM leagues and ASSISTS leagues.
Sorry to all that may be affected by the Change, Cookster had a good point about the Sauber returning, But I feel the Williams should be allowed as a choice.

Moderators and there leagues will decide what 7 teams they are going to choose from the 8 Teams allowed.

SIM Pro league has opted to Leave 'Williams' Out of there team line up.
SIM L1 has yet to decide from the 8 teams.
ASSIST 1 has yet to confirm there 8 teams.
ASSIST 2 has yet to confirm there 8 teams.

hope this clears it up a bit for you all.


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Rumors Speculate over Transfer Window Empty Re: Rumors Speculate over Transfer Window

Post by Guest Sun Mar 11, 2012 5:59 am

But contracts have been offered and signed with knowledge that the Force India will be banned next season?


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Rumors Speculate over Transfer Window Empty Re: Rumors Speculate over Transfer Window

Post by Guest Sun Mar 11, 2012 6:02 am

Ill sort out league 2 tonight in the lobby.

John, no one shuld have been confirmed in force india for season 2 as it was decided this wouldnt be used anyway Smile


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Rumors Speculate over Transfer Window Empty Re: Rumors Speculate over Transfer Window

Post by Guest Sun Mar 11, 2012 6:06 am

No but people have signed for teams knowing that the Force India will be banned for next season along with the other cars.


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Rumors Speculate over Transfer Window Empty Re: Rumors Speculate over Transfer Window

Post by Admin Sun Mar 11, 2012 6:08 am

yep force india is allowed next season.
its one of the 8 teams allowed.

SAUBER is the only car if contracts have been signed for they are to be renewed with another team.
IT will be down the moddee and league if the force india stays for season 2.


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Rumors Speculate over Transfer Window Empty Re: Rumors Speculate over Transfer Window

Post by Guest Sun Mar 11, 2012 6:21 am

Ok. One thing Cookster is right about though is the video of the cars. The speed difference from the Mclaren to Force India to Mercedes is very small if any. If the Force India has a performance advantage then it should be banned like the others. But, to this point,. i haven't seen it be 0.6 seconds faster to Mick in his Mclaren and i haven't ran away with any races. Again, its down to setup. It's all well and good testing this theory without setups but fact is, no one ever races without them anyway and sometimes they are very good other times, the opposite and i often make my own anyway so any ADVANTAGE the Force India might have is gone by my seemingly poor setups. On 2011, even with the greatest will and setup in the world, the Force India would still be 1.5-2.0 seconds off the pace. That way there cant be any disagreements.


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Rumors Speculate over Transfer Window Empty Re: Rumors Speculate over Transfer Window

Post by Guest Sun Mar 11, 2012 6:35 am


on the meeting on Monday the Force India was voted out for Season 2, for this reason nobody should have had a contract for that team.

It's only today it's been unbanned.


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Rumors Speculate over Transfer Window Empty Re: Rumors Speculate over Transfer Window

Post by Guest Sun Mar 11, 2012 6:38 am

Yeah i'm confused now. The only reason i went to Mclaren was because i thought Force India was banned and Rob and Mick moved teams and leagues respectively. If you have signed a contract, can you re-sign for another team in this situation or not?


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Rumors Speculate over Transfer Window Empty Re: Rumors Speculate over Transfer Window

Post by Guest Sun Mar 11, 2012 6:42 am

exactly, the 7 teams prior to today didn't include the Force India linden.

for this reason nobody would have signed a contract for FI

as Sauber is now banned basically whoever had signed a contract for them must now drive in the Renault or Force India?

can i still ban force india in league 2 linden? as you said moderators decide 7 from 8 teams?

Last edited by ipswich1992 on Sun Mar 11, 2012 6:42 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Modification)


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Rumors Speculate over Transfer Window Empty Re: Rumors Speculate over Transfer Window

Post by Guest Sun Mar 11, 2012 7:11 am

Yes you can still ban fi in yr league :-)
It is one of the 8 teams it's allowed or it can be banned completely yr choice mate


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Rumors Speculate over Transfer Window Empty Re: Rumors Speculate over Transfer Window

Post by F1xStevo_87 (GP3 Mod) Sun Mar 11, 2012 8:55 am

Ol John i thought you moved to Mclaren to be with me! Nevermind i knew it was to good to be true! Wink lol!
F1xStevo_87 (GP3 Mod)
F1xStevo_87 (GP3 Mod)

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Rumors Speculate over Transfer Window Empty Re: Rumors Speculate over Transfer Window

Post by Guest Sun Mar 11, 2012 10:48 am

Yeah Steve. I wanted a 2007 season repeat! But in all seriousness, i wanted a good battle with a team mate. See if Robs gonna remove the Force India or not because i was under the illusion that it was banned for next year. Obviously, contracts have been signed and sealed so i hope it is banned because it seems that everyone agrees there is a performance advantage. Whether that is true or not, maybe i need to eek more performance out of the car or risk the wrath of VJ (Malijiah)


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Rumors Speculate over Transfer Window Empty Re: Rumors Speculate over Transfer Window

Post by Guest Thu Mar 15, 2012 4:20 am

Both the assists ON leagues have agreed to run the same 7 teams

Red Bull
Toro Rosso


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Rumors Speculate over Transfer Window Empty Re: Rumors Speculate over Transfer Window

Post by Guest Thu Mar 15, 2012 5:40 am

Fantastic! Glad that all my questions have now been clearly answered after a week or sitting on the fence lol... Cheers Ipswich... So Steve, looks like we'll be going head-head in the Mclaren... Good luck for the new season Smile


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Rumors Speculate over Transfer Window Empty Re: Rumors Speculate over Transfer Window

Post by Guest Thu Mar 15, 2012 5:47 am

depends now, cos stopper's made it abundantly clear that he doesn't agree with this, so watch this space john


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Rumors Speculate over Transfer Window Empty Re: Rumors Speculate over Transfer Window

Post by Guest Thu Mar 15, 2012 5:54 am

So that meeting on Monday... The FiA stated the Sauber would be banned and infact it was banned before Season 1? The STR is a good replacement because get the setup right and its very good. Plus, if your league has the same cars then it makes promotion and demotion a lot easier. If someone in the Sauber is winning racers and someone is in the Torro Rosso is slower then how do you work that out? If people in no assists have the same cars and the people in assists have the same cars, it makes life so much easier. Plus, Rob already offered contracts in League 1 (assists) with the knowledge that the Force India is banned and the Sauber wasn't even spoke of?
This whole situation needs to be clear and just because we have new mods, it doesn't mean that the rules have to chop and change. I thought we needed stability? It's easier for the league otherwise league 1 will have to offer new contracts for the new teams?


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Rumors Speculate over Transfer Window Empty Re: Rumors Speculate over Transfer Window

Post by Admin Thu Mar 15, 2012 6:47 am

The 8 Teams Are Very Clear, So I'm puzzled to why we are even discussing it?

8 Teams to choose from, ONLY 7 Teams allowed in the league's.


Pick 7 Teams From that List. its simple.


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Rumors Speculate over Transfer Window Empty EIGHT TEAMS

Post by Guest Thu Mar 15, 2012 8:01 am

Its getting discussed because rob doesnt fancy having the force india or the renault but fancies having the sauber. Personally i couldnt care what the eight teams are. Because rob and ipswich agreed on cars a while ago, im just trying to get ipswich to understand that rob has now decided against some of the cars they both agreed on and im the one getting the abuse and being told im in the wrong. Personally id put the eight teams up for people to choose from, as long as both cars from each team were selected and no individual cars were chosen, then there wouldnt be a problem. So if anyones got something to say about cars, speak to rob, not me. Im really wondering is it worth the hassle?

Last edited by stopper19 ( LGE1.MOD ) on Thu Mar 15, 2012 9:47 am; edited 1 time in total


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Rumors Speculate over Transfer Window Empty Re: Rumors Speculate over Transfer Window

Post by Guest Thu Mar 15, 2012 8:49 am

No i since read your message Stopper so I suppose i am ok with that. I just didn't want it causing problems because Rob started offering contracts out for next year before this was decided. Obviously, if this situation happened again then am sure it would have been done differently. If anyone wants to have the Mclaren then that is fine because if the Force India is on offer then Moody said he would like to team mate me. I can see Ipswich's view because it makes some sense to have the same cars as league 2 assists because it is better to judge the demotion and promotion things. To be quite honest Stopper, i agree with you in the sense that setup is EVERYTHING. So, whatever time advantage i get from the Force India i lose because of my setups which i tend to make my own and on career mode.


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Rumors Speculate over Transfer Window Empty Re: Rumors Speculate over Transfer Window

Post by Guest Thu Mar 15, 2012 9:27 am

We had a meeting, as a site decided on 8 cars. That shuld be it.

I dont fancy having the mclaren or the red bull, does that mean i can ban them from league 2??


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