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Pro League FiA Agenda 4th February 13'

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Pro League FiA Agenda 4th February 13' Empty Pro League FiA Agenda 4th February 13'

Post by Rob-Lee77 (DRT) Thu Jan 31, 2013 3:03 am

1 - Incidents and appeals - Micks appeal against last weeks penalty, Ascari corner cutting, RDS94 crashing out intentionally...
2 - Car allocation for both Pro Leagues
3 - Discuss the weather issue in this game.
"I believe that the game is programmed to give the more hardcore racer. Eg. None assist and 100% distances a greater challenge resulting in more rain. To the point of calling Pro 1 the monsoon league. A way to combat this ridiculous weather is to go to the real 2012 F1 season and if there was any element of rain in that race leave it on dynamic, if it were dry set the conditions to dry." - Rob-Lee77
4 - Scrapping the rule of dropping out for drivers who disconnect within the first 3 laps...
I propose that in future once the lights go out and the race is underway that we don't back out for a lost connection. You've waited 5 minutes before race, you've all got round that tricky first corner them "bam" red flag because someone lost connection on lap 2. So then you go and do another qualifying then another nervy first corner and "bam", no lost connection but your first corner was a disaster. Lights out go go go - Rob-Lee77
5 - If a disconnection occurs and all sessions were going to be dry then run a dry race
6 - The situation with recent issues on the site. Eg. Deleted posts, Members, Mods, Admin's behavior on site,Members leaving the site in anger - Should we accept them straight back?
7 - How we move forward...

Last edited by Rob-Lee77 (AL Manager) on Tue Feb 05, 2013 5:13 am; edited 1 time in total
Rob-Lee77 (DRT)
Rob-Lee77 (DRT)

Posts : 1402
Join date : 2012-01-09

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